Selasa, 18 Desember 2012

How to make a Hang Hand-made lamp

Materials that we need :
1)     Lamp
2)     Cable (for about 2 meters)
3)     Fitting= lampshade
4)     Plastic jar
5)     Sakelar
6)     Sticker=biting
The Procedures:
1)     Prepare the materials
2)     Peel each edge of the cable so we can get the copper inside it.
3)     In the edge down side of the jar, make a small hole so the cable can go out from the jar and it can connect with sakelar and sticker
4)     Connect the edge of the cable that we already peel with the down side of the lampshade.
5)     Open the lid of the jar and put a lampshade that has been connected with the cable. Pull the cable in the small hole in the down side of the jar (that we have already made in step 3)
6)     After that, we see the bottom of the jar. Mark two dots with board marker. Then, turn the bolds (baut) in the lamp shade with screwdriver until it cut through (menembus) the bottom of the jar.
7)     Put the lamp into the lampshade
8)     Connect the other edge of the cable with sakelar. To connect it, we just need one cable.
9)      Test it with AVO meter
10) Connect the cable with sticker(biting)
11) Test the lamp
12) Make two holes in the jar in the different side to make a hanger
13) Use wire to make the hanger, enter the wire into the hole and warped it.

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